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Gifts Received in the Physical Church

In Ecclesia Enim Massa

$10.00 (shipping/handling inc.)

Have you ever really thought about the offerings received from attending Mass in the physical church? This booklet reminds us of all the rich symbolism and significance behind all the physical elements found in the Catholic churches throughout the world. It also reveals what takes place inside during the Mass that doesn’t happen anywhere else-ie. the sense of community.

This book shares 47 reflections. Read a reflection a day and end each reflection with reciting the prayer at the end.

This booklet will add a whole new dimension to your Mass experience!

Pricing and Shipping*

* Rates only apply to U.S. and Canada.
1-49 books-$15.00
(Shipping on orders over $300 only)
50 books or more- $12.00 ea. (Shipping on orders over $300 only)

* Rates only apply to U.S. and Canada.

The short film, “The Veil Removed” is offered on Youtube and at our website www.theveilremoved.com.

Please feel free to view and refer to during your reflections with this Little Yellow Book. If you have any questions you can reach us at theveilremoved1@gmail.com.

Paperback Books*

* Rates only apply to U.S. and Canada.
1-49 books
– $15.00 each (Shipping on orders over $300 only)

50 books or more – $12.00 each (Shipping on orders over $300 only)



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